Al Plan - San Vigilio di Marebbe
San Vigilio and surroundings
Al Plan de Mareo, this is how local people calls San Vigilio di Marebbe, is a little town of 1200 inhabitants, that is located in a valley of Val Badia at 1201 m over the sealevel. The well-known tourist destination of San Vigilio di Marebbe represents a colorful landscape in summer, and during winter permits you to feel the emotions of snow, with an equipped organization for every kind of sport, from the ski to the sledge, in a high quality ski area like Plan de Corones.
Near to San Vigilio you will find the natural park of Fanes- Senes- Braies; a real natural jewel that in the past inspired the creation of legends about the ladin population of Fanes.
But most of all it's the ladin culture that represents an important characteristic of the town near to Plan de Corones. Its influence can be noted in the town planning, in the gastronomy and language and in people's hospitality.
In the centre of the town you can see the parish church (dates back to 1700) that represents a meeting point for local people, with its hospitable little square. In the town you can also find the visit centre of the natural park of Fanes- Senes- Braies, very suitable for families; a place where you will discover the secrets of the nature in the Dolomites. Starting from San Vigilio you can reach in short time Brunico, about 20 minutes by car.